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Frequently Requested Documents and Tools

If you have questions or are interested in more complex forms of giving, our knowledgeable development team is happy to meet with you and share more:

Mary Spencer, President & CEO, 410-280-1102 ext. 101

Jennifer Lagrotteria, Director of Philanthropic Resources, 410-280-1102 ext. 102

John Rodenhausen, Director of Gift Planning, 410-280-1102 ext. 103

Please scroll below for samples of the most commonly requested forms.

Frequently Requested Documents

Estate Planning Guide

Professional Advisors Guide

Sample Bequest Language

Sample Donor Advised Fund Agreement

IRA Charitable Rollover

CFAAC DAFs vs Foundations

Fund Fees & Policies

Power of Endowment

Medallion Program Advisor

Professional Advisor Partners

CFAAC Gift Acceptance Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish criteria for accepting gifts made to the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) or to any supporting organization of CFAAC. Accepted gifts include current and deferred gifts of cash, personal property, real property, securities, life insurance and other gifts that are contributed by donors to the CFAAC. 

Investment Options

CFAAC is committed to prudent investment strategies and fiscal policies which we believe will lead to the long-term growth of endowment fund principal and meet spending policy objectives. Learn more.

Stock Transfer

To make a stock transfer, please use the following information: 

Pershing, LLC
Depository Trust Company (DTC) #0443
For the credit to: Pershing, LLC #4S2117401
Account name: The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County

Donor names are rarely provided when securities are transferred electronically. To ensure your gift is correctly allocated, please email with the gift amount and the name of the fund your gift will support. 


Please make your check payable to the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County, and include the name of the fund to which you are donating in the memo line. Mail your check to: 

900 Bestgate Road
Suite 400
​Annapolis, MD 21401

Wire Transfer

To make a wire transfer, please contact our Director of Finance & Operations, Kathy Luthcke, CPA, CGMA at 410.280.1102 x 105 or via email at


Credit Card

You can make gift to any of CFAAC’s funds by making a secure credit card donation online, or call us at 410.280.1102 to provide your credit card information over the phone.

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