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Advocacy efforts accelerate and expand to help communities

A silver lining of the pandemic and struggling economy is an unprecedented effort by philanthropic leaders to ensure that communities stay supported through fiscal and tax incentives for nonprofits and charitable giving. We encourage you to seek out and share examples of what’s going on in the philanthropic sector to help ease the burden of COVID-19. For instance:

  • A letter from the Council on Foundations to Congressional Leaders in advance of future relief packages, encouraging the inclusion of provisions to enhance charitable giving, increase support for nonprofits, and help state and local governments.
  • A tremendous response from community foundations across the country, encouraging donors to activate donor-advised funds to support causes in the community that can provide immediate and direct assistance to those most affected by the pandemic.
  • Increasing interest in mutual aid organizations, which is fueling grassroots response to people in need across the country. 

In short, the spirit of philanthropy is alive and well. Sharing this with your clients will help build the momentum and expand the impact of charitable giving during this time of crisis.


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